The International Community of Aidan and Hilda

While most members of the Community live in the UK, we have members in several other continents and countries, some of which have large enough numbers to form their own branches. The links below take you to a series of summaries and thoughts about each country, mostly written by Ray Simpson following his visits.

In countries where saints 'Aidan' and 'Hilda' are not part of their tradition, the Community of Aidan and Hilda may well have another name, such as the Anamchara Community in Norway.

Some of the pages below include direct links to branch websites.

Even though Aidan and Hilda never travelled beyond the British Isles, the influence of the Celtic churches and Priory at Lindisfarne spread across vast areas of Europe, and other parts of the world as people from the British Isles emigrated into the colonies of the former British Empire.